Prostatitis requires attention to the health of the prostate gland. To maximize the effectiveness of therapy, you can think about which device to choose to treat prostatitis at home.
By itself, it can not lead to a full recovery. As part of complex therapy, it can show very good results. In particular, such devices can improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Also: remove swelling and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, exert bacteriostatic action.
Hardware treatment characteristics
Physiotherapy can be time consuming. Therefore, some men who have the financial resources prefer to buy a device for the treatment of prostatitis at home, which saves time and does not fit into the clinic schedule.
Hardware is distinguished by the orientation:
- Magnetic (enhancement of local immunity and metabolic processes).
- Vibroacoustic (relieve prostate swelling and start cell regenerative functions).
- Electric (reduce muscle tissue and prevent swelling symptoms).
- Bioresonance (activate patient systems and organs in healthy mode).
- laser (has antibacterial effect and provides tissue repair).
- Vacuum (improve blood circulation and lymph flow, which leads to the normalization of prostate processes).
devices can be used non-invasively or transectically. In the first case, we are talking about superficial impacts through the skin and other tissues of the human body. It is very convenient, does not require special preparation procedures and provides maximum comfort when used at home.
The transcendental method of impacting devices involves massaging directly into the prostate gland through the anus. Due to the targeted action, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is improved, prostate swelling is reduced and the intensity of the inflammatory process.
Transrectal devices may be an alternative to direct prostate massage if the patient for some reason is unable to visit the clinic. However, the use of such therapy should be discussed with your doctor.
Personal examination will help to show the indication of the beginning of the massage course or, conversely, to determine the contraindications. Not all types of prostatitis have a transrectal effect on the prostate gland.
Device for the treatment of prostatitis: which to choose?

First of all, you need to know your exact diagnosis. Just suspecting prostatitis is not enough to make the right choice in a wide range of modern medical technologies. There are devices of specific orientation and may have a complex impact on the male urinary tract.
So for the prevention and treatment of congestive prostatitis it is best to use a device that sends electrical impulses to the body of the prostate gland. This promotes intense contraction of the muscle tissue, which neutralizes the symptoms of edema. However, with calculous prostatitis, the use of such a device is strictly contraindicated.
In the prevention of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, attention should be paid to the complex effects of the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is worth choosing a device for the treatment of prostatitis at home, which can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic action and, if necessary, neutralize the swelling of the prostate gland.
Thermal action has been shown to resolve acute prostatitis quickly and effectively. And unacceptably mechanical. It is best to give preference to physiotherapy devices that heat the prostate area.
It improves blood flow, helps the immune system to work harder, relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Some devices even have the ability to have a sedative effect, which helps to normalize the general condition of the patient.
Vacuum and non-invasive devices are leading the way in the prevention of prostatitis. They are easy to use and do not cause physical discomfort. Such a device is very easy to use for the treatment of prostatitis at home. And the effect is in no way inferior to the transrectal and bioresonance effects.
The price range for prostatitis devices varies considerably. The cheapest representatives are located in the segment of electrical medical devices. But there are also professional physiotherapy devices whose cost is quite high.